Fast pyrolysis is a process to convert all kind of lignocellulosic biomass and residues into a liquid energy carrier. The process is now maturing and commercial plants are in operation or under construction. The liquid is often referred to as Fast Pyrolysis Bio Oil (FPBO), but its properties are completely different in comparison to traditional fossil oils. For example, it is acidic and contains significant amounts of water. As a consequence, the FPBO is not directly suitable for use in the transport market (road, shipping & aviation) and further chemical upgrading will be required to comply with the applicable fuel specifications.
The BTG-neXt process concerns this upgrading of FPBO to advanced, drop-in biofuels. BTG developed a proprietary, two-stage, catalytic hydrotreating process which has been proven on pilot-plant scale. Critical step is the first stage –denoted as stabilization- and a dedicated catalyst has been developed. Patent applications for this catalyst –called PICULA™- have already been granted in several countries worldwide. The second processing stage –deoxygenation- is taking advantage of using commercially available hydrotreating catalyst to produce hydrotreated pyrolysis oil (HPO), which can be further distilled into the desired products.
Empyro – 25 MW fast pyrolysis plant
Schematic representation of the DACIA / Picula™ upgrading process